Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Here I Go...

I'm doing my own tribute today.

I know I'm the worst blogger. I know I haven't been writing, let alone reading anything on this website in months. Well I am sorry. I got caught up in work and blogging wasn't a priority anymore.
Well, right now, in this moment, it is. I'm making it one.
And also right now it is my 19th birthday. I won't be a teenager much longer. Normally birthdays are a big thing but this year I almost completely forgot about it.
Maybe it has something to do with me going on a mission tomorrow.
Maybe not. Either way, this year's birthday was overshadowed by a lot of more important things.
I've already said a lot of goodbyes. It's tough for the ones I really care about and/or the ones I won't see again. But the worst are the ones I didn't get to say. People who aren't around for me to see and won't be back until after I leave. There were a lot of those.
So I read a lot of blog posts in the last hour. I pretty much got caught up with all the ones I follow. I guess people still blog a lot. I thought it was a dying trend but I guess that was just in my brain.
Anyway, this will be my last one for a long time.
I just don't have a lot to say. Only a lot to do.
I get asked if I'm nervous a lot. But I'm not. I don't really get nervous, ever. I try to think of a time when I was but it's hard. Maybe my first voice recital. Or something.
Well, what's there to be nervous for? Sure it'll be hard. So what? Life is hard. Anything too hard to live through will kill me and then I'll be dead so I won't care anyway. Everything else is doable. This is just another thing. To be honest, I'm interested in seeing what missionary life is like. I'm excited to try my own unique brand of adaptation to a new situation. We'll see. I'm sure you will all get to hear how I'm doing in about a week or so.
If you're not on the email list, just send an email to bethannmartin@hotmail.com and ask to be on it. If I don't know you, back off!
I could go a lot of places from here but I'll be brief. Thanks for following. And thanks for staying close. There aren't a lot of people who read this blog but the ones who do have been so good to me. I made a promise that I would go on a mission and I will keep it. I'm glad to keep it.
Thank you for your support, your friendship, and especially your love. You have mine.
I'm going to say goodbye now, for a while. Don't worry though.

This isn't the end. This is just what happens next.

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