Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Beginning Of...

...The End.

I'm killing the blog. This will be one of the last posts.


Why not?

I sort of realized, a blog is not a good thing. Not for me. This site is little more than a place where I can complain and drone...usually about things that are not important. And the things that are important don't belong here. They belong in my journal, and in my example, my behavior.
Blogs in general are not bad. Mine's not even bad. It's just not good. It is a testament to my ego and a monument of my narcissism. ConBlog has no real weight in the positive direction of my life, and likely no weight in the direction of my audience.
Another point. Why do I even post? I guess a few people read it, but I don't know how many and how often. It doesn't matter. This is, and I don't love to say this, but it's a waste of time. If I was famous I would sustain a blog, for my hundreds of fans. When I'm a missionary maybe I will, for my family and closest friends.
The ConBlog, though, aside from it's brief and sporadic flashes of real depth and greatness and appeal, is a joke.

I don't need to write out every little insignificant thing. There are more standardized means for my independent expression. I feel self-absorbed having a whole website dedicated to just me, especially when I am nothing with out my friends, my family, and most prominently my God, whom I love. More than I love Iron Man.
But isn't that what my facebook is, too? Yeah. Maybe I'll get to that in a while. What I can do is try using my Facebook more for interaction that narcissism. That's a different subject.

What's going on right here, now, is that the blog is ending, and I'm deciding whether or not to totally delete it as well. We'll see. For those who have read, thank you for reading. For those of you who have blogs that I read, I will probably to continue to read them. Because they please me.

And now, as these final words go into the site, I humbly retire ConBlog. It has been an interesting ride, though short, and I must admit there have been times I've enjoyed it. I now enter into a new age, one where I hopefully use the word "I" less. I want to say some words first. To the ones who I understand have access to this blog.

No specific order.

Sean and Brandon, and Brad..? My loyal followers, I have enjoyed our friendship. Long live the crew.

Roommates, and Paige, you're around enough that you don't need my blog to keep track of me. Please continue to be good and a good example to me. Paige, you cut hair like an angel.

Stevie. My friend. You're a part of the reason I even started this. Yours is also way better than mine. Along with a lot of things. You know how I feel about you.

Kelsie/Haley - how on earth did you even find ConBlog? Whatever. I like you both enough to not get mad. Don't change. Too much.

Rachel, I don't know if you'll ever see this, because you're not on my followers anymore, but I've missed you. You're a very good person. Tell the fam I say hi. And Tara, you're pretty cool. I've enjoyed the growth of our friendship.

Courtney/Kelsey - Troublemakers. Snoopers. You snaked my blog. No biggie. I hope you enjoyed it. I definitely enjoy Courtney's. Hey, you're both alright. I enjoy our good times..?

Lexi, I know you're new here. You're special. Come see me more often.

Tab, I don't know where we are at right now. But now my blog is going away. You know what that means? Yes. No more reading my "secrets." I don't know what's going to happen. That's all I have to say.

Did I forget anyone? Sorry if I did.

Last thing. I love my family and I love my church. The LDS church is true and it is right. I am trying to be the best person I can. Everything I have is a gift and a blessing. I give thanks for all I have.


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