Thursday, September 16, 2010


       Yeah, Skype. I'm on it right now, actually. With Stevie!  Look at those big blue eyes.
This thing's pretty cool. I recommend it to anyone with a computer and a webcam. It's super fun and...peachy.
All my roomates and I are sick *cough cough* it's the worst. Colten especially, I feel bad.

Big game tomorrow too. We're playing a team of seasoned athletes and I want to win but I don't know if we can.
I found a scripture that's really cool as well: 3 Nephi 16: 6-7. Goodnight friends and followers

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It Never Ends

When I say that, I mean the chaos in my room never ends. I'm the only one with a keyboard in his room, so naturally everyone packs in who wants to mess with it. I don't mind as long as it doesn't get too late. T Brady's here too, which I appreciate. He's a great guy.
Jaron stops in for visits every few minutes but he won't sing with us. Maybe someday--Josh, Colten, Tyler and I just finished performing Can You Feel The Love Tonight and it was a blast.
We won our first game today too. Flag football, that is, 12-0. I really love coaching but the team has a way to go before we can be champions. I think I'm gonna start some laundry and get on my homework, which I've been putting off for over a week. I love my roommates. It's crazy here but it's fun. Much love to all one of my followers. Ciao for now!

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Invincible...

Oh, how I love Iron Man. So much. I love the movie, I love the character, I love the comics, everything. I love Iron Man things. I love things with Iron Man on them. I'm really passionate about this. It just fascinates me, the stories, the science, how interesting the character of Tony Stark is, just how awesome he is as a hero. And it all started here:
Iron Man Volume 3 #17. My dad bought it for me when I was about six years old, or something like that. I forget. If you look on the cover you can see that Iron Man is fighting a dragon on the Space Needle. At the time I lived in Seattle, so you can imagine the best thing imaginable for a kid like me was to see a golden robotic-looking superhero fighting a dragon in the city where I lived. And it was. I loved it. I read that one issue dozens of times, and eventually decided to track down the next one, then the next one, and then, well...the rest is history, I guess.

Second Post

Hi - I feel like I should give a shoutout to those special people I know. Let's start one at a time:
Brad and Sean (sorry, two at a time) - My boys. My brothers, my band. My go-to guys for anything I need. I've had more good times with these dudes in the last year than anyone else in my whole life. I live far away now, from Brad, and he is a bum and will not visit me often enough. But that won't come between us--we're too good of a team, he and I.
Sean is nearby though, as always, and one of my best buds here at college. He's a good guy, really human and really down to earth.
They're a talented couple of people, I admire them, I respect them, and I value our frienship greatly. Love you guys--now, I can't forget...

...Brandon! Brandon Allen, BA, Mack Manzanga - in actuality, he is every bit my brother as Sean and Brad, the crew, my entourage, etc. But he has a seperate picture. What a little stud. I hate him. This is a guy who could wash his body using attractive women as shower loofahs. Yet he doesn't.

I don't get it either.

But he's my pal, and the quadfectum is not the quadfectum without him. I love this guy! We're a dynamic duo, we are.

Patrick has been my good friend for a really, really long time. Dang. And it's been awesome, every minute of it. We got a lot in common. We get along well - he is a man of class and excellent taste. And he's been there through my good times and my bad, as I hope I have been for him. He's off away at college now but I can still skype his Peruvian behind whenever I want to discuss the finer things.
Patrick has a really sick longboard. Ask him about it.
I look at this guy and I see talent, potential, and that genuine goodness that is so rare these days--he is ever reliable and never less than a top-quality friend. Here's to a long future, brother.

Ah! Stevie!
The girl is a breath of fresh air, she really is. She's the only person who's a blond, black, brunette and burgandy bombshell. Ever. There's really something special about this one. As close as we've gotten, and as fast--I don't know. It's made an impact on me. A significant one.
Stevie's funnier than me. She's beautiful and clever and her family is an absolute blast - I have the most fun with her but also the most etifying experience getting to know her, and I feel really priveleged and blessed because of it.

Densleeeeyyyyyyyyyy. I promise I'm having a good time in that picture. She's really something else though. Rachel has the sense of humor of a boy. As in she likes dirty jokes, making fun of people and laughing at others' expense or when they become annoyed or upset.
I can relate to that.
She's a pretty good time, even if she is a little bit crazy. Deep down inside, I know there's a sweet girl with a wonderful heart.

Densley, don't correct me anymore. I don't like it.

I can't not write about Tabitha. We shared a strong like for a very long time. And even though I've been grumpy with her lately, I can't ingore how monumental those several months were. She's the closest thing to a High School sweetheart I have, and I will always love her. She changed my life drastically and taught me a lifetime's worth in the time we were together. I hope the best for you, Tab. And I hope we remain close for a very long time.

I'm out of pictures, but I'm not finished yet. Geoff, Gun, Nick, we've been friends for a long time and I value that, you're great guys. Lexi, you're very special to me as well, and you know it.
I am nothing without my family, I love them infinitely.
My home: Colbey, Jaron, Colten, Josh, Zach, you are my family as well and I love living with you. That's all I can do for now, farewell.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

First Real Post

Hi. I wanna get this up. To be honest, I expect no one to be reading this, but I'm writing it anyway. Huh.
Maybe it'll be fun to read in a few years or something.

Anyway, my name is Martin. Connor Martin. I don't know how much I should put about myself on the internet because of the obvious safety risk. I will say, however, that I am poor and not worth robbing, I am unimportant and not worth murdering, and I am in no way cute or precious and therefore not worth raping. So all you creeps out there, look somewhere else.
I'm listening to Forty-Six & 2 as I write this.
Which brings me to what I want to say next, which is that I love music. If I had it my way, I would be a professional musician, but since I like to think realistically, I know not to take that goal too seriously. I play a few instruments--I am in no way a virtuoso at any of them, if that makes sense, but I love it. Love recording and writing. I know a lot of people frown upon it, but I love metal. I love classical, too, and rock, and folk. Real music. That's a big thing for me.
Next, art. I love it just as much. Music is art, but what I'm talking about is the visual bid'ness. I'm enchanted by the stuff, it's weird. I'm studying it in college right now, and it's great. Right now it looks as if that's what's gonna provide for me for the rest of my life. I love to paint and draw, and cut things, not in a violent way but woodcut and things like that. Sculpting is cool but I'm no good. I want to be great at this because it is gratifying. If you read my blog you'll hear a lot about this. Let's move on.
I love my church. I am an Elder in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and I love that, too. It's the right thing for me and it's true and the most important thing in my life.
Iron Man! I love Iron man. He's the coolest. More on that later.
I have to stop typing now--come again soon.

Ma grumpiness

This is a test - go seahawks