Saturday, September 11, 2010

First Real Post

Hi. I wanna get this up. To be honest, I expect no one to be reading this, but I'm writing it anyway. Huh.
Maybe it'll be fun to read in a few years or something.

Anyway, my name is Martin. Connor Martin. I don't know how much I should put about myself on the internet because of the obvious safety risk. I will say, however, that I am poor and not worth robbing, I am unimportant and not worth murdering, and I am in no way cute or precious and therefore not worth raping. So all you creeps out there, look somewhere else.
I'm listening to Forty-Six & 2 as I write this.
Which brings me to what I want to say next, which is that I love music. If I had it my way, I would be a professional musician, but since I like to think realistically, I know not to take that goal too seriously. I play a few instruments--I am in no way a virtuoso at any of them, if that makes sense, but I love it. Love recording and writing. I know a lot of people frown upon it, but I love metal. I love classical, too, and rock, and folk. Real music. That's a big thing for me.
Next, art. I love it just as much. Music is art, but what I'm talking about is the visual bid'ness. I'm enchanted by the stuff, it's weird. I'm studying it in college right now, and it's great. Right now it looks as if that's what's gonna provide for me for the rest of my life. I love to paint and draw, and cut things, not in a violent way but woodcut and things like that. Sculpting is cool but I'm no good. I want to be great at this because it is gratifying. If you read my blog you'll hear a lot about this. Let's move on.
I love my church. I am an Elder in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and I love that, too. It's the right thing for me and it's true and the most important thing in my life.
Iron Man! I love Iron man. He's the coolest. More on that later.
I have to stop typing now--come again soon.

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