Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It Never Ends

When I say that, I mean the chaos in my room never ends. I'm the only one with a keyboard in his room, so naturally everyone packs in who wants to mess with it. I don't mind as long as it doesn't get too late. T Brady's here too, which I appreciate. He's a great guy.
Jaron stops in for visits every few minutes but he won't sing with us. Maybe someday--Josh, Colten, Tyler and I just finished performing Can You Feel The Love Tonight and it was a blast.
We won our first game today too. Flag football, that is, 12-0. I really love coaching but the team has a way to go before we can be champions. I think I'm gonna start some laundry and get on my homework, which I've been putting off for over a week. I love my roommates. It's crazy here but it's fun. Much love to all one of my followers. Ciao for now!

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