Monday, September 13, 2010

Second Post

Hi - I feel like I should give a shoutout to those special people I know. Let's start one at a time:
Brad and Sean (sorry, two at a time) - My boys. My brothers, my band. My go-to guys for anything I need. I've had more good times with these dudes in the last year than anyone else in my whole life. I live far away now, from Brad, and he is a bum and will not visit me often enough. But that won't come between us--we're too good of a team, he and I.
Sean is nearby though, as always, and one of my best buds here at college. He's a good guy, really human and really down to earth.
They're a talented couple of people, I admire them, I respect them, and I value our frienship greatly. Love you guys--now, I can't forget...

...Brandon! Brandon Allen, BA, Mack Manzanga - in actuality, he is every bit my brother as Sean and Brad, the crew, my entourage, etc. But he has a seperate picture. What a little stud. I hate him. This is a guy who could wash his body using attractive women as shower loofahs. Yet he doesn't.

I don't get it either.

But he's my pal, and the quadfectum is not the quadfectum without him. I love this guy! We're a dynamic duo, we are.

Patrick has been my good friend for a really, really long time. Dang. And it's been awesome, every minute of it. We got a lot in common. We get along well - he is a man of class and excellent taste. And he's been there through my good times and my bad, as I hope I have been for him. He's off away at college now but I can still skype his Peruvian behind whenever I want to discuss the finer things.
Patrick has a really sick longboard. Ask him about it.
I look at this guy and I see talent, potential, and that genuine goodness that is so rare these days--he is ever reliable and never less than a top-quality friend. Here's to a long future, brother.

Ah! Stevie!
The girl is a breath of fresh air, she really is. She's the only person who's a blond, black, brunette and burgandy bombshell. Ever. There's really something special about this one. As close as we've gotten, and as fast--I don't know. It's made an impact on me. A significant one.
Stevie's funnier than me. She's beautiful and clever and her family is an absolute blast - I have the most fun with her but also the most etifying experience getting to know her, and I feel really priveleged and blessed because of it.

Densleeeeyyyyyyyyyy. I promise I'm having a good time in that picture. She's really something else though. Rachel has the sense of humor of a boy. As in she likes dirty jokes, making fun of people and laughing at others' expense or when they become annoyed or upset.
I can relate to that.
She's a pretty good time, even if she is a little bit crazy. Deep down inside, I know there's a sweet girl with a wonderful heart.

Densley, don't correct me anymore. I don't like it.

I can't not write about Tabitha. We shared a strong like for a very long time. And even though I've been grumpy with her lately, I can't ingore how monumental those several months were. She's the closest thing to a High School sweetheart I have, and I will always love her. She changed my life drastically and taught me a lifetime's worth in the time we were together. I hope the best for you, Tab. And I hope we remain close for a very long time.

I'm out of pictures, but I'm not finished yet. Geoff, Gun, Nick, we've been friends for a long time and I value that, you're great guys. Lexi, you're very special to me as well, and you know it.
I am nothing without my family, I love them infinitely.
My home: Colbey, Jaron, Colten, Josh, Zach, you are my family as well and I love living with you. That's all I can do for now, farewell.

1 comment:

  1. im famous! im on a blog, justin beier, step out of my way!
