Monday, September 13, 2010

The Invincible...

Oh, how I love Iron Man. So much. I love the movie, I love the character, I love the comics, everything. I love Iron Man things. I love things with Iron Man on them. I'm really passionate about this. It just fascinates me, the stories, the science, how interesting the character of Tony Stark is, just how awesome he is as a hero. And it all started here:
Iron Man Volume 3 #17. My dad bought it for me when I was about six years old, or something like that. I forget. If you look on the cover you can see that Iron Man is fighting a dragon on the Space Needle. At the time I lived in Seattle, so you can imagine the best thing imaginable for a kid like me was to see a golden robotic-looking superhero fighting a dragon in the city where I lived. And it was. I loved it. I read that one issue dozens of times, and eventually decided to track down the next one, then the next one, and then, well...the rest is history, I guess.

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