Friday, November 19, 2010

Answering Questions

Remember how I said I had a weird feleing about Tuesday night? I said a prayer, right?
Everything was fine, if not...well, incredible.
Saw Bodom again. It was brief, just eight songs, but their energy, and their musical creativity shatter my universe every time I hear them. And live, it's something else. Children Of Bodom, thank you. You will always be one of my favorite artists.
Black Label Society, you rock. Zakk Wylde is a living legend. I'm blessed to be able to have seen you perform twice in my short life.
Clutch. I know we just met, but I really, really like you. Why didn't you tell me you were so bluesy? I look forward to hanging out with you more in the future.
2cents, you are dirty and vulgar. But you play some good metal. I like your Pantera cover. Maybe I'll download you later.  If you release an edited version. Don't try to make me say the F word anymore.
Stevie, you should have come. Work sucks. You know I like doing stuff with you? Yeah. Sooooo, Idunno. I get that you have to work and you have so much on your plate. But it's been since, like, your birthday. Ugh, whatever.

Spirit, I'm sorry I went somewhere that you can't hang out. Good to have you back. I promise I'm taking good care of myself when you're not around. Please stick around though.

About last night. Playing the blues is fun. I got to hit up my ward talent show and I'm confident that they liked it. Except, my tongue got twisted up and I accidentally said, "Let's sex things up a little." In Church. My bad...
I bet my performance would have been better if I wasn't making the whole thing up on the spot.

"They won't catch us. We're on a mission. From God."

I like God.

You know how I said I have a new system? Part of that was...coming out of my shell. As my friend would put it. Did put it. Apparently I need to come out of my shell since I've been in college...what, three months? And I've not really even made any new friends...or met any girls.
I'm shy. Sue me.
But with the encouragement of some buddies and buddettes, I decided I should at least try. And I am. I thought about talking to a girl at the bus stop the other day. But I didn't.
It was scary!
But today I talked to a guy in my photo class during lab work and we got to talking! And then more people started talking to us! And now I kind of know some people in my photo class! But they're all old. They're still cool though.

While I was developing film, a really attractive girl walked through the room. There was one thought going through my head:

Please don't be married, please don't me married, please don't be married...

I don't know. Here's the big news.

I have a date tomorrow night!!!
With a girl!!!
From college!

Not a high school girl, not a college girl I already knew, a real college girl! From college.
And I actually think she's pretty cool. Don't expect much though. Out of this, I'm saying. Let's be realistic. First college date. Goin' nowhere...

I forget who reads my blog and who doesn't.
Oh well. I no longer care.

I love Conan O'Brien. He's back on TV. I think he's the funniest man alive. Really. I watch Conan every night sometimes. It's the best. Tonight, I am thankful for Conan.

Bosco, I haven't talked to you in a few days. I don't know if I should. I don't think you even want to talk to me. I don't ever know what you want. It seems to be whatever I'm not doing at the time. I don't even know if you know what you want. Do you want me to apologize? Shower you with gifts and kind words? Leave you alone forever? Because I will. Despite what I've said, I will do it. I'm not even a little bit joking.
Yeah, I'm terrible, but at least I'm consistently terrible.
If that's what you want. Because, whether you think so or know so or not, that's what I've always put first. I don't care if you don't believe me. Not yet, though. I'm still around if you need me.

Thanksgiving is only a week away. Can't wait!
I have a lot to do tomorrow. I should probably be getting to bed. As I am working through things, I'm realizing I need to be looking forward more, and nowhere less.

Also, the church.

I've been pretty good. Here's to further improvement.

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