Monday, November 1, 2010

Middle C

I am an Art major. That's what I'm doing with my life. I'm going to be an artist.
It was hard though. Life threw one of those forks-in-the-road at me. Because today I realized that there are two things in this world I love to do, and do I love music more? Maybe. Maybe not.
College started to roll around and I had to make my choice, music or art? I chose art. And you know what?

I still don't know why.

Don't get me wrong, I don't regret it. But I love music so much. Ah, I'm drooling just thinking about it. Listening, writing, and lately performing has been interesting. If I could do it for the rest of my life...ah.
There so many specifics here.

Sometimes I feel really picky about music but sometimes I feel like I just love so much different stuff. My heart lies with metal and rock. Yeah, I'm a metalhead. I love Children Of Bodom, Amon Amarth, Metallica, Tool, Lamb Of God, Megadeth, and I've tried writing dozens of my own pieces. The reason why I think I like this stuff, which is apparently really extreme and uncool, is that musically, there is the most there. There is more music in a good metal song than just about any other genre, excluding classical. We'll get there. People get scared because of the intensity of it but I think that energy is a good thing. There's power in that. And technically, the music is supremely complicated and advanced.
One thing that bugs me a little is when people label "screamo" on anything with screaming vocals. There is a big, big difference between screamo and metal. Screamo is not about the musicianship of it all. IT's more about the scene, image, and the themes are all angsty and hypersensitive. (I love you foreverrrrrrr!!!! Bleaaaahhhh!!!) It's really not that cool. Metal is about heaviness, power, strength, energy, technical and traditional musicianship, and believe it or not, fellowship. It's not about dyed pitch black hair and striped sleeves, eye makeup and snakebite piercings. It's about wielding your instrument in a way to deliver the fastest and hardest punch with the smartest flavor. Not necessarily the sweetest. Sometimes though. It's about using that musicianship to deliver the aggression forcefully and tactfully. And a little bit of shock value.
I've always loved rock and classic rock too, the brainchild of blues, one of my most beloved genres. Alter Bridge.
I'm a fan of classical. Chopin blows my mind.

But I also like an assortment of others.Here's something maybe you can all relate to.

You ever go through phases? Where all you want to listen to is one band and maybe a little bit of stuff that sounds a lot like them? Oh, man. I'm in a crazy Avett Brothers phase right now. And I know it will pass, because it always does, but right now, I just love them. See, after a phase ends I still love that band, I just don't fell the need to listen to them as much.
I went through a Zeppelin phase. There were a few Tool phases. A couple Children Of Bodom and LOG phases. Metallica phase. There was a crazy, insanely long Megadeth phase. Same with Alter Bridge and Creed. I'm enjoying this.Right now it's the Avett Brothers. Can't get enough of those guys.
Music is truly a blessing on this earth.
I've really gained an appreciation for church music, too. I could play hymns on the piano for hours, and I have. A free day spent playing music is a free day well spent.

Maybe, hopefully, someday I'll get to study music like I am studying art. Maybe I'll get to do it for work. Who knows? But do yourself a favor for me, and yourself, if you have music in you, do not silence it. Let it swell, and grow, and sing and play it until your hands shake and your voice breaks. Music can be pure and true, and shine in a world with so much distraction. And maybe that can help bring everyone a little closer to happiness.

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