Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Repeating Absence Of Success

I should write a book on getting in the friend zone and never getting out. Because I'm so good at it!

Maybe because I'm scared to ever try anything. But it's out of politeness! Maybe because I was a late bloomer (so what?) and I don't ever know what I'm doing or what to do. I've been lucky a few times. But I guess I can't always be. Not with this. Ha ha ha

So let's talk about my date. I don't like putting other people's names on the internet, so we'll make up the name "Jan" and that will be my date's name. Jan has been in my English class, I've always wanted to talk to her, she's pretty, but I've never had the courage for more than a hello or the occasional note passed in class. Dang. A mutual friend in the class set us up on the date. I said ok.
I picked her up, on time, met her family, we went to a friend's apartment to make pizza. Surprisingly not that awkward. Talking was ok. Watched a movie, sat next to each other on the couch, took her home, end of date.

Then I bought groceries. And I went home. I looked good though.

What should I think? Jan is really cool. We'll see, I guess.

Just the fact that I went on a date, finally, with someone new, I think is a step in the right direction. I'll just have to decide how to make that second step.

Thanksgiving is in like, five days. I love that. Happy.

I don't really have much else to I won't say anything. Thanks for reading, it makes me feel loved.

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