Friday, November 5, 2010

Sandy, I'm Coming Home

Here I am. In my own room in Sandy, Utah. I love it here. I love being in my family's home. I'm starting to realize what's really important. I try to be very, very grateful for the insane amount of greatness in my life.
See, I've got it made. I have an amazing life, that's really really comfortable and easy. And you know what?

I don't even deserve it.

I have great friends. That was proven to me tonight. I have a great family. That was proven to me today. Even if Bowen is a little punk sometimes. Oh, don't get me started on the gospel. OK, do though.

I finished the Book of Mormon like ten minutes ago. I could go all crazy testimony on you right now but I think a blog is not the right place for that. What I can tell you is that it's true and it made me feel wonderful. I think it's supposed to do that for everyone, actually. I bet with the right attitude, that's true.

Um, so, Stevie's birthday was today. Friends and fam had dinner at Bonsai, very good. I always just go off on how awesome she is though, so I'll give her a break today. Not her family though! Hahahahaha!
Her family is cool! they're very unique and fun people. I get a good vibe from them.

You know what also gives me a good vibe? BEARD.

I love my beard now. It's so ugly though. Gosh, I'm probably not getting any until I shave it.
Oh well.

I'm way into Robot Unicorn Attack now. I'm not very good though. Meanwhile, there's a busy weekend ahead and it's getting late. Stay tuned for more pointless and unfunny updates to my blog.

Not Letter Format

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