Sunday, November 14, 2010

Let me detach, let me worry, for I hold no weight in the growth of another.

This same problem is recurring in my life.

I've built these relationships, these friendships, some of them very close, so naturally I have some kind of mutual connection to people that I've come to know and shared memories with etc.
These are people I care about.
So naturally, if something were to happen, I would be...upset, let's say. This is something you can relate to, right? Of course. Unless you're a fiend.
No offense.

Now there's not a lot of these people. But there are some.
Anyway, this thing that I'm talking about. We all have our own lives. The home teachers were over today and they're great and they taught me about distractions and what's really important.
It made me realize I've been distracted. The details of that are insignificant, but somehow I've always been able to find excuses to neglect my friends and family. And I have ignored my friends. I've made little effort to even talk to some of them lately. Some of you, I guess. It's really easy to get wrapped up in all the distractions of my life so that I just turn a blind eye to that of my friends.
This is the hard part: I spend all this time neglecting these relationships that when I finally snap out of it, the relationships aren't what they used to be. They deteriorate. And while the strongest ones can hold on for quite some time, the newer, more fragile ones tend to...slow down. And when that happens, I fear and have seen the results of any good influence I may fades. Fortunately, the bad influence that I am, which is much more dominant, is also gone. But I try to be a good influence, and when I'm not there, it isn't supported. Looking at this, it's kind of an arrogant thought, but past experience has shown me that in some cases it's hard to put faith in those whom you have supported once you're not right there to support. I know I need to work on that. I should have faith in my friends, but...I am a realist. And reality sometimes means that the faith is misplaced and without hope...gosh, that's a dark concept. Not faith in the Lord, which is never misplaced, but faith in my influence to remain strong and supporting when I'm not there, and faith in those whom I have tried to give it to to continue to use it.
I will work on it. Faith in my friends. That's why they are my friends. Because they are people of a caliber that I have realized is strong enough for me to spend my time and love on.

Relationships are like escalators. They can move forward or back, but they can never just stay still. Those are stairs. And that's a different thing. So forget about it.

And here's the other side of the coin. My friends' influence on me. If I'm not there, how can their, your influence and care retain on me?
But don't worry. I'm not thinking in so self-absorbed of a way that I think that all of my friends are just constantly worrying and thinking about me, simply because I haven't shot them a text in a week or so, or something like that. Like I said, we all have our own lives.
But just in case my vain thoughts are true, just know that you can have faith in me. Because I have faith in myself. I'm confident that I know what's right and I'm trying my best to choose and do what is right always, so that I can be the best I can now and forever, and I'm looking ahead. Very, very far ahead. And there is hope.


[Sudden change of tone - lighter]
Having grown up in Seattle, I've always been a fan of the Mariners, the Seahawks, and the Seattle SuperSonics. But they don't exist anymore! They got moved and became the Oklahoma City Thunder! And even though I live in Utah, I was still a fan of the Sonics, and when they changed, I still wasn't a big supporter of the Jazz.
Until this week.

I love the Jazz! I realized how cool they were and I never noticed. Especially Deron Williams. He's so sick. I love his beard. Now I am a Jazz fan officially.

And you know what else makes me happy? THIS.

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