Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What's Next?

I'm constantly thinkning of new ways to improve the Blog.
Shorter posts? Nah. Maybe.
Pictures. I want to have more pictures in my posts, I guess that's just a matter of getting past my laziness.
Definately more humor. A funny blog is a fun blog to read and that's what I want this to be. Because all serious all the time is no fun. But I don't have that cleverness to always put something funny in here. I will try though. But not too hard.
The blog will evolve, how, I don't know, but it will.

For the past few months, I have been illustrating a novel, it is my fourth book, and yesterday I finished. All done. It feels so good to have that behind me. I can breathe now. Buy my books.
I made an audio voice log while I was drawing one of the pictures for it...I'm thinking of uploading that. Good idea? We'll see. I only like my voice sometimes. One of my dream jobs is a narrator or books on tape or something like that. How do you get that job? There's really so much to do...Maybe with my new time I'll be able to do someting cool...like sleep.

Oh, something I forgot. Regarding improving the blog, I want to do one more thing to it. I want to make myself sound like a BA. So people read it and are like, this guy is sick. But doing that and coming off not cocky is gonna be hard, considering I write it. But how do I be a BA on my blog? Hmmmm...I will think about this.
P.S. This is my first post made in class. Hold the applause, please. Thank you.

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