Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dirty Is As Dusty Does

Hello friends. Today is Wednesday and because of Fall break I'm done with classes for the week, yay! A few things to report. Um, for those of you who are in on my court case and all of that...It's coming along. We've got some new options that we're gonna try and hopefully we can get this behind us and move on as fast as possible.
I met with my Stake President from my home ward for a talk about everything. President Pugh is one of the greatest men I have ever met. The Spirit is so strong with him...I admire him a lot. I mean, this is a guy who has a Masters in Business Administration from Harvard and spends his days doing work for the church and straight up helping people.

Anyway, moving on. Some good things that happened this week -I spent about 16 hours working on my term history paper, including two consecutive all nighters, almost, but I finished! But when I went to class the day it was due, teacher reminded us to turn in our term papers next week. I cried. I got to play at open mic night last Wednesday, and then celebrate my friend Kelsie's 19th birthday. Both went pretty well, I suppose. And also I got to visit my wonderful friend Stevie! That's always really nice.
Right now Josh is playing Medal of Honor, EA's new COD Killer. It's pretty cool--There's this guy named Dusty, he has a full beard and wears sunglasses at night. He's so sick. Someday I will be that awesome.

I'm planning on drawing some pictures today. And tomorow I'm going back to Sandy for the first part of the weekend. Thursday I'm gonna do my photography assignment, which is to photograph a day in my life from morning to night. If I'm lucky I'll get to hang out with a couple good friends and hit up the Temple. We'll see.

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