Friday, October 29, 2010

Reading and Writing and Reading and Thinking

I've got a lot to cover.
First: There are those of you out there who have somehow managed to find access to this page without asking me. Please understand this blog is very personal and I have it on the internet so I can share it with those few people who mean the most to me and whom I am comfortable entrusting the feelings and thoughts I write down to. There are things I put here that come from deep inside of me and when people read them, people who I do not know well enough to trust, it is very unpleasant for me.
As far as I understand, there are more people reading this blog than I had originally been keeping track of. You know who you are. You also know if I have shared the title or url of this blog with you.
Everyone else, listen up. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume we are good enough friends that I do not mind you reading this page (for now). However, this is a personal blog. It is not yours to share with others. It is not yours to show your friends, even if they know me. So those of you reading this now, you are welcome. Unless you feel that I would be uncomfortable with you reading it; you can always ask me. I promise I'm not too terrible of a person. But please, please, please, do not give anyone else grounds to access this. Things can spread fast. I had three people reading the blog, and then someone else found out and all of the sudden there's about ten more people who know about it whom I wasn't aware of or sure about. Friends tell friends who tell friends. I don't like that. So, bottom line, you can read. If anyone else wants to or tries to, they can ask my permission, for me to give them the url, and I probably will give it to them. I want to be nice about this, so let's get some mutual respect going, yeah?

Moving on, actually I like having a few more followers. Mainly because I've got this monthly poll and the more people read my blog the more people vote on it and the better it gets. Also having a bunch of followers makes me feel cool. I am cool. Ish.
Ok. Fun fact, the word "ok" appeared in the 1800s in America as an ironic abbreviation for "all correct", more literally "orl korrect". Get it?

I've been told it would be nice if I made my blog funnier. I can try. I hope at least reading this is an entertaining experience for those of you out there. Maybe even educational. But education isn't funny.

A quick report on the day, um, lots of dumb stuff not worth talking about happened. I did get to do this fun foam pit-gym-trampoline-place thing with my buddies Sean and Kelsie's reading now so we can give her a mention.
I can. I don't know why I say "we". It's just me. Actually, lots of people do that. "We can do this", "Let's go." Dude, you're alone.
Keltsie MacDonald.
Just kidding--I don't wanna say too much sappy stuff because we've got one of those trendy friendships where we're both kinda too proud to admit how cool we think the other one is.
At least... I...
Whether that goes both ways or not, she's pretty awesome. If a little crazy. But hey, who isn't?
Oh also, I am a girl to her. Named Connie.
One time, we went on a date. That is insane. Because for two years of my life, she was this unattainable venus(you might hear me use that phrase pretty commonly), not so much that I liked her like that, but she was one of those 'way-out-of-my-league' girls. Just way too attractive and cool to ever be friends with the skinny pale kid who wrote "Tyrannothesaurus Rex." But she's different from that stereotype and here's why: She is a real person. Down to earth enough to be true to others, even so much as becoming (hopefully I can get away with saying this) decent friends with someone like me. Hats off to you Kels. You getting hit on tonight was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. In a laugh-to-myself kind of funny way.

Maybe if all of you are lucky I'll open up about girls one of these days.

Ok. Next. Family? Why not.
Note: These people come before anyone.

Left to right: Mom, Brother Bowen, Sister Elissa, Con. Merry Christmas. We really are an odd bunch.

We fight. It is a regular occurence. I love my brother.
My Dad. I have the best Dad in the world. I love him with all of my tiny black heart. I couldn't ever imagine a better father. Halo.
Dad, Me, Someone, and Mom. Home state of Washington. In the back there, sticking her head up my butt, is our dog Molly.

Bowen, Connor, Elissa. Cliffside. Bowen, you're too young to drink.
This one goes back a bit. Mom and Dad are never in pictures together because one has to take them. Just like Bowen to take his DS on a family outing, and then not remember the whole trip.

I never was the nice one. Those are the women of my life. We are a pale clan.

Alright. I'm forgetting a lot of the things I wanted to say. But this post has been long enough. Oh, the blogger photo system sucks. Formatting that stuff is impossible.
I'm realizing how much I'm leaving out of this blog so starting now I'm going to try to give you all your money's worth with every post(joke! it's free!). But at least I'll try to pack it all full of real stuff.
So, coming soon...Music! Halloween weekend, the Avett Brothers, my relationships with things, and the long-anticipated History of Iron Man part 3!

I want to close with some special words. Because I haven't talked about this sort of thing in a while. God loves you. He loves me too, he just hates the stuff I do sometimes. But seriously, you're never alone. He's there for you. Your family is there for you. And if all else fails, I'm here for you. Adam fell that men might be, and men are they they might have joy. That's not word for word, but what I'm trying to say Life is good. The world, underneath all of the struggles, is a good place. We can be happy here. Not nearly as happy as we can be later, but just don't let yourself get too down. Someone is thinking about you right now.
Goodnight friends!
One more thing...

Be loud. Let your color show.

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