Saturday, October 30, 2010

"I'm Gonna Make You A Little Less Gross, Every Day"

The title is irrelevant. Just something I heard on TV.
This is the Halloween season. Wanna know what I think about it?

I don't like it.

It's a meaningless holiday. Its origin in from Celtic paganism. Really! It's funny that most people I know celebrate it, even though none are Celtic pagans. I don't think that disguising myself as a harmful spirit on Samhain, when the spirits of the Netherworld pass through, for the purpose of passing off as a harmful spirit so that they won't try to get me, is worth having a Nationally-recognized holiday.
And candy? You spend Halloween scoring candy. People, you know it's bad for you, right?
Too bad we don't have a holiday where, as a tribute to American tradition, you eat the greatest feast your skinny body can--

Hold on.


Too bad we don't have a holiday where you give gifts to close friends and family members to express love after the example and celebration of the life of Christ and--


Oh. Oh, oh, nevermind. I forgot.

No, no, let's eat tooth decay in a wrapper, dress like sluts, get drunk, party...
Don't even get me started on horror movies.

Did you know that America spends 6 billion dollars a year on Halloween stuff? That's 66 dollars a person. That's enough money to buy 104 Dunlop Tortex picks, 78 Banquet Chicken fingers meals, 6 CDs, or Halo: Reach and a crappy haircut.

But it is a break from the ordinary. At least that.

It's such a dirty holiday though...everything is sticky, and and shrink wrapped, packaged in greasy rubber, and smelly. The whole economy of Halloween marketing just seems kind of gross to me, product-wise. I won't lie and say it's not fun to dress up as a Jedi, or a Caterpillar, or Darth Vader, or Tony Stark, but that has almst nothing to do with the actual foundation of the holiday.

Halloween dance parties are big this year. Dance parties in general are just...heh. I like to dance, and be young, and have fun, but not in a stuffy warehouse where teenage girls are getting grinded on like Amsterdam brothel picks on Saturday night. It makes me sad.

But you know what makes me happy? I'll tell you next time I post.

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