Thursday, October 21, 2010

I'm Not On Facebook, I'm Blogging

I have a great family. I have wonderful friends. And I owe everything to them.
Anyway, now the ConBlog cat is out of the bag thanks to a nosy couple friends of mine *cough cough*Courtney!*cough*Kelsey*Koff*! And there may or may not have been a big conversation on Facebook discussing this page. There was. *cough*


There are those of you out there who would suppose it appropriate to find and read my secret blog without a formal invitation. I cannot stop you. And who knows, maybe you may even learn a thing or two from my mindless ranting. Maybe you laugh once or twice. Point is, this is a very private and personal web log, and should it become overexposed, I will take action. Meaning changing the URL. Or deleting it altogether.
Now I'm starting to think I should have gone through with my plan to create a decoy blog. Moving on!

So much happened today. Let's discuss.
I got to pull the thing for the bus to stop today. For the first time! It was awesome.
Yesterday was speed dating. That was an interesting thing. now I'm not gonna name names, but it's common knowledge that my life with girls has been on something of a hiatus for a long time, and now there's a few local women who have been drawing my interest lately. It's nothing.
Bought new art supplies.

Also, I just got pulled over for the first time! Just like an hour ago! it was so sick. I got off scot-free, of course, I was just a little drowsy and not the best at staying in my lane. Sometimes police officers are actually nice. My advice: be honest.

Earlier, I made a trip to the Provo Temple to do baptisms with buddy Sean. Wednesday afternoon.

Bad choice.

To say it was packed is an understatement. Now the waiting I could handle, but there were a lot of youth in there simply not sustaining the level of reverence appropriate for the temple. Those of you who do Baptisms for the Dead, please remember to be reverent. I'm sure you're fine, it's mostly the deacons. I love deacons though. I used to be one even.
I helped Brad write a song about crazy people. Talk about irony.
Anyway, after tomorrow, it's the weekend! I'm excited! Are you excited? Of course you are.
Got a lot ahead of us, do we not? I have more to write, I just can't think of it right now. Until next update, followers!

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