Sunday, October 10, 2010

I Am A Prideful Man

Or boy, I should say. What I believe is that a priesthood holder is a boy until he returns honorably from his mission, and then he is a man. Like a rite of passage. So someday I will be a man. For now, I am a prideful boy. The reason I bring it up is because we had an exceptionally powerful lesson in church today - both in sunday school and in priesthood. Two lessons, really. What I took away from them are these points:

1 - Humility. One of the most Christlike attributes. Pride is so abundant these days, humility is something I realize I, and everyone, needs to strive for constantly always.
I don't know the proper grammar for that last sentence.
So starting now I will strive to be more humble, and I invite you to join me.

2 - Everyone is a child of God. EVERYONE. This one hit me the hardest because it made me realize how much I treat people as lesser than myself, or judge people I do not know. So many times I have been rude to people because I don't like the way they live or the choices they make, but what I need to realize is that every person is the same as me. They are all children of Heavenly Father and He loves them just as much as he loves me. Or you. Or anyone. And if you think of people in this way, maybe we can love everyone else a little more, at least.

3 - Selflessness. The greatest honor is giving yourself or your interests up for the benefit of another. The proper way to think is "it is not about me. it is about others. it is about God." Not my will, but Thine be done. That kind of thing. The way that people are programmed to think these days is "what's in it for me?" But that isn't right. What can you do for others? How can you serve?
In Star Wars Episode III, Palpatine says good is a point of view.
This is not true. Good is an absolute--it is the force that drives the will of God on earth. Or rather the result of that force, the result or identity of the will of God. God is good. The way of God is good. And it is as simple as that. There is no grey area. And this way is to sacrifice yourself for others. Help others. Love one another. That is the greatest Good. Love others as you would love yourself, if not more. Referring to point 2, we can use this perpective to help us love others and to be more humble, as I mentioned for point 1. See how the points relate? It all makes sense. It's all part of the plan. So to conclude by "brief" examination of these points, I would say this: Love every child of God as you would love yourself and more. Love them as He would want you to and as He does want you to. Be humble. Be selfless. Dedicate yourself to service. Through this, you will be more fulfilled than you could ever be in the ways of the world.
I used to tell myself, if everyone looks out for themself, everyone has someone looking out for them. But I was wrong.
If everyone looks out for each other, than everyone has a whole world looking out for them. And that is the way we should live.

Next, I have this: Scripture.
Micah Chapter 5 Verses 7-15 and 3 Nephi Chapter 12 Verses 12-29

In Micah, which is Old Testament, the prophet Micah speaks of the fate of the Lord's children in the last days. Compare his words to 3 Nephi, where Christ is speaking to the Nephites. Jesus quotes Micah almost exactly. And the references in both chapters, especially 3 Nephi apply directly to us today. We are the remnants of Jacob that Jesus speaks of, spread in the midst of the Gentiles like "a lion among the beasts of the forests". I strongly recommend you read and compare these chapters.

Now, I'm going to detach from Church topics for the rest of the post and do a week wrapup.
The highlight that I want to mention first is that I finally got to hang out with Stevie!  She makes this cake - Better Than Sex cake, as it were, but I prefer to call it Better Than Makeout Cake, and it's soooo good. Really, that good. We went to California Pizza Kitchen, too and it was delicious, which is what I had heard. Yeah it lived up to the expectations. Now Stevie's going to hate me for putting this on the internet but she has the most amazing voice. I only got to hear it for 2 seconds because for some reason one of my best friends is shy to sing in front of me.
I know, right?
But I will get her to sing. A whole song. And you bet your cinnamon buns I'm going to love it.

I also got to hang out with a really great friends Lexi and Tabitha, Friday and Saturday nights, respectively. We watched some movies. Robert Downey Jr. movies!
He is so sick. My favorite actor. I haven't seen a movie he's in that I didn't love. He's been in some movies that would normally be pretty crappy but he just makes it. And I honestly believe he is the most talented actor of his generation.

I have a lot of homework to do but I want to mention one more thing -- my friend Rachel. She is alive! I was terrified when she got in her accident but she's a real trooper and she's doing just great now, which makes me so happy. Rachel, I'm glad you're doing so well. I'll visit you again soon.

That's all for now(as if it wasn't enough). I have a good life. Farewell, my dear followers!

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