Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Some Deep, Some Shallow

Few things I want to talk about.
I saw my reflection in a big window the other day and it was weird - I've always saw myself as a child. A little teenager. But this time, I looked at my reflection, and I saw a man. An adult. It was crazy. Nice to know I'm actually growing up.
Sort of.
Second, related, I was walking down the hall today and the thought popped into my head, someday I'm going to be married. Me, a married man. Weird, huh? Yeah. Can you picture me as a married person? I can't either.

Let's shift the focus to others for a minute. Something great happened - for the first time in a long time, I got to hang out with STEVIE! Yay, Stevie! She's so great. And oh the fun we had.
Iron Legion got knocked out of the playoffs today. Bummer.
Malawi's pizza. Not only is it delicious, but every meal youy buy, they donate a nutritious meal to an African orphan. Neat, huh? And great food. I was invited by a friend of mine, Ashley. She's a very nice girl.
We did photo critiques in today's class. My portrait of Brad received rave reviews. Fun.
I got to pick up some things from my friend Kelsey's apartment too. Actually, she reads my blog. But we had fun today, and now I think I'm willing to give her the approving nod.
I have a lot to do. These last few days have been insane. there's just way too much going on. I hope things calm down soon.

They probably won't. We have to learn to live and survive treading water, so to speak. It's hard to keep your head up but you can never give in, ever. Have faith and you will be supported.
Love and peace, goodnight.

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