Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Pits

How do you get the gospel more in your life when there's literally no room for it?
I know, I know, there's always room.
It's just that, I'm in a bit of a spot right now. More and more, I feel like my way of life is being battered by influences that are trying to tear me down.
School. I'm trying so hard to keep up but it's throwing things at me faster than I deal with them. It's stacking up. My roommates have increasingly less respect for my standards. I havent played guitar in weeks. I'm seeing less and less of my friends. I have no money. And I'm too tired to stay awake long enough to do what I need to. At least I have The Avett Brothers.
Thing is, I know I have so much to be grateful for. I am really priveleged. But I also have so much...negative stuff going on right now. I want to endure to the end. I just don't know when the end is.
I think I can do it. I have resources to help me. I have conviction to drive me. And I have the best friends and family in the world to support me. We'll see how this goes.


  1. connor! you are so great. just keep up the good work and things will fall into place. promise! and i guess you could come to logan. that is all.

  2. Dont worry connor, I'll help you out... you give me halo reach and i'll sell it for you then you have money and more time for homework/guitar/friends.
    your welcome haha love ya
